Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Tout ce qui permet d'amelioré Enemy territory.
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Membre LSD
Membre LSD
Messages : 1769
Inscription : 24 févr. 2011, 10:02
Localisation : Vers l'Ouest, direction Nord est, Demi-tour sur 500 mètres au Sud, puis Iclic vers l'Est !
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Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par Doc »

Recommandations !

Si vous n’êtes pas tomber sur cette partie c'est que vous avez était trop vite, pour créer un pack son il faut déjà comprendre comment cela fonctionne:
Vous devez absolument lire le tutoriel une première fois avant de vous lancez dans sa création.

Qu'est-ce que PakScape?

Tout d'abord sachez que ce logiciel n'est pas forcément obligatoire. Cependant il est libre et gratuit.
C'est un utilitaire conçu à l'origine pour Half Life et ses fichiers .pak. Il a évolué au fil du temps pour s'adapter aux fichiers ".pk3" et autres avec lequel on peut tout simplement faire des compressions et décompressions au format ".pk3" avec update de ceux ci sans bugs.
Si vous ne le possédez pas, vous pouvez télécharger PakScape V0.11 Ici

Comment ouvrir un pack son?

C'est très simple, vous pouvez utiliser divers logiciel tel que winrar, 7zip, Pakscape (recommandé) et bien d'autre..
Bref si vous voulez créer ou personnaliser un pack son ce n'est pas compliqué.
  • - Allez dans son dossier Etmain.
    - Copier le fichier "pak0.pk3" sur votre bureau.
    - Clique droit sur le fichier "pak0.pk3".
    - Propriétés.
    - "S'ouvre avec" :
    - Modifier.
    - Pak/Pk3 file Explorer (PakScape).
    - Ok.
    - Appliquer.
    - Ok.
Ensuite il vous suffit de ré-ouvrir votre fichier Pk3 et de le parcourir. Tout est modifiables : Son, Skins (Véhicules, armes, Uniformes .. )

-> Partie recommandé : Dans la partie qui suis nous allons voir: Comment créer un pack son.

Dans la partie qui suis nous allons voir: Comment modifier/personnaliser un pack son (via le pak0.pk3).

Comment modifier les textes?

Pour modifier les sons principaux ( Hallo, Hi, Bye GreatShot ..) il faut se rendre dans le dossier :
  • - Scipt
Ouvrez maintenant les fichiers "wm_axis_chat.voice" et wm_allies_chat.voice"
Ici vous retrouvez tous les son du chat: (Hi, Bye, Greatshot ..), vous pouvez donc modifier les phrases.
Prenons l'exemple de :

Code : Tout sélectionner

	sound/chat/allies/14a.wav	"Incoming!"
	sound/chat/allies/14b.wav	"Incoming!"
Vous pouvez très bien y modifier en:

Code : Tout sélectionner

	sound/chat/allies/14a.wav	"Merde ils arriveeent !"
	sound/chat/allies/14b.wav	"Ennemis en approche !!!!"
Vous pouvez aussi mettre de la couleur:

Code : Tout sélectionner

	sound/chat/allies/14a.wav	"^7Merde ils arriveeent ^4!"
	sound/chat/allies/14b.wav	"^6Ennemis en approche ^1!^5!"
Vous pouvez aussi rajouter des phrase:

Code : Tout sélectionner

	sound/chat/allies/14a.wav	"^7Merde ils arriveeent ^4!"
	sound/chat/allies/14b.wav	"^6Ennemis en approche ^1!^5!"
	sound/chat/allies/Arrivea.wav	"^7Incominggggggggg ^4!"
	sound/chat/allies/Arriveb.wav	"^6Ils arrivent, poutrons les !! ^1!^5!"
/!\ A ce niveau il faudra rajouter les deux sons : Arrivea.wav et Arriveb.wav dans votre fichier ou se regroupe tous les sons.
  • - sound
    - chat
    - allies
Ici nous avons modifier les phrases des Allies, vous pouvez faire la même manipulation pour les phrases des Axis. Il faut ouvrir "wm_axis_chat.voice" au lieu de "wm_allies_chat.voice"

Comment modifier les Sons?

Il faut se rendre dans le dossier:
  • - sound
    - chat
    - allies (Ou axis)
Ici vous avez tous les sons du chat vocal. Si vous voulez remplacer un son tel que :

Code : Tout sélectionner

14a.wav qui est censé dire "Incoming!"
Il faudra au préalable avoir créer un son nommer "14a.wav" et l'avoir enregistrer sur son bureau ( ou un fichier créer spécialement pour le pack son). Ensuite il faudra le déplacer dans le dossier:
  • - sound
    - chat
    - allies (Ou axis)
(Il va vous demander si vous voulez supprimer le son déjà existant. Faites Oui)

A ce moment vous avez modifier le son d'un "Vsay". Il faudra répéter le même geste pour tous les autres Sons.

Créer un autre menu (v0 par exemple)

Cela est un peu plus compliqué.

Il faut se rendre dans le fichier :
  • - ui
    - wm_quickmessageAlt.menu
Ici sont regrouper les menu (v1/v2/v3/v4/v5/v6/v7/v8/v9 ...)
Bref, ouvre ce fichier, il est comme cela:

Code : Tout sélectionner

	#include "ui/menudef.h"

	#define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25



	#define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )																			\
menuDef {																										\
	name		WINDOWNAME																						\
	visible		0																								\
	fullscreen	0																								\
	rect		0 100 640 380																					\
	onOpen		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }																\
	onClose		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }																\
	onEsc		{ closeAll }																					\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"window"																					\
		rect		0 19 204 136																				\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	0 0 0 .75																					\
		border		WINDOW_BORDER_FULL																			\
		bordercolor	.5 .5 .5 .5																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
	}																											\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"windowtitle"																				\
		rect		$evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12									\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		text		"MESSAGE"																					\
		textfont	UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16																			\
		textscale	.19																							\
		textalignx	3																							\
		textaligny	10																							\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	.16 .2 .17 .8																				\
		forecolor	.6 .6 .6 1																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\

	#define QM_MENU_END }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
    execKey KEY { ACTION }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
	execKey KEY { ACTION }

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"S. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"s", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"R. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"r", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"C. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"T. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessageAlt;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"t", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"G. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"g", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"F. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"f", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"O. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"o", 6 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Path Cleared.", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"p", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Enemy Weak!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; 		close wm_quickstatements, 	"w", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. All Clear", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "I. Incoming", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"i", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Fire In The Hole!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";		 close wm_quickstatements,	"f", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. I'm Defending.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"d", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. I'm Attacking.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"a", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "T. Taking Fire!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"t", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Mines Cleared", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"m", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Enemy Disguised", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";	close wm_quickstatements,	"e", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Need Medic!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"m", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Need Ammo!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"a", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "B. Need Backup!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"b", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Need Engineer!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"e", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Cover Me!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"c", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "H. Hold Fire!",			exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";	 	close wm_quickrequests, "h", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Where To?", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"w", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Need Covert Ops!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"o", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Follow Me!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"f", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "G. Let's Go!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"g", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Move!", 				exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; 				close wm_quickcommand, 	"m", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Clear The Path!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"c", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Defend Objective!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"o", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Disarm Dynamite!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"d", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "N. Clear Mines!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"n", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Reinforce Offense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"r", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Reinforce Defense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"e", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "Y. Yes",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickmisc, "y", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "N. No",				exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "n", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "T. Thanks",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "t", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Welcome",		exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "w", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Sorry",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "s", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Oops", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; 			close wm_quickmisc, "o", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "Y. Yes",				exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"y", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "N. No",				exec "VoiceChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"n", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "W. Enemy Weak",		exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";		close wm_quickglobal, 	"w", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "H. Hi",				exec "VoiceChat Hi"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"h", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "B. Bye",				exec "VoiceChat Bye"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"b", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "S. Great Shot",		exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"s", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "C. Cheer",			exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"c", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "G. More Globals",	close wm_quickglobal;			open wm_quickglobal2, 	"g", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "T. Thanks",		exec "VoiceChat Thanks";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"t", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "W. Welcome",		exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"w", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "O. Oops",		exec "VoiceChat Oops"; 		close wm_quickglobal2, 	"o", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "S. Sorry",		exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"s", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "H. Hold Fire!",	exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"h", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "G. Good Game",	exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"g", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Command Acknowledged",		exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; 		close wm_quickobjectives,	"a", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Command Declined",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"d", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Command Completed",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Destroy Primary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; 			close wm_quickobjectives,	"p", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Destroy Secondary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"s", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "X. Destroy Construction",		exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"x", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Commencing Construction",	exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";	close wm_quickobjectives, 	"m", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Repair Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"r", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "V. Disable Vehicle",			exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"v", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Escort Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"e", 9 )

Il va falloir le modifier comme cela:

Code : Tout sélectionner

			#include "ui/menudef.h"

	#define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25



	#define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )																			\
menuDef {																										\
	name		WINDOWNAME																						\
	visible		0																								\
	fullscreen	0																								\
	rect		0 100 640 380																					\
	onOpen		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }																\
	onClose		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }																\
	onEsc		{ closeAll }																					\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"window"																					\
		rect		0 19 204 136																				\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	0 0 0 .75																					\
		border		WINDOW_BORDER_FULL																			\
		bordercolor	.5 .5 .5 .5																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
	}																											\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"windowtitle"																				\
		rect		$evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12									\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		text		"MESSAGE"																					\
		textfont	UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16																			\
		textscale	.19																							\
		textalignx	3																							\
		textaligny	10																							\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	.16 .2 .17 .8																				\
		forecolor	.6 .6 .6 1																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\

	#define QM_MENU_END }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
    execKey KEY { ACTION }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
	execKey KEY { ACTION }

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"1. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"2. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"3. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"4. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessageAlt;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"5. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"6. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"7. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"7", 6 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM(           "8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickfun_alt,      "8", 7 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; 		close wm_quickstatements, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";		 close wm_quickstatements,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";	close wm_quickstatements,	"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",			exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";	 	close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!", 				exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; 				close wm_quickcommand, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",				exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",		exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; 			close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",				exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",				exec "VoiceChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",		exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";		close wm_quickglobal, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",				exec "VoiceChat Hi"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",				exec "VoiceChat Bye"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",		exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",			exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",	close wm_quickglobal;			open wm_quickglobal2, 	"8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",		exec "VoiceChat Thanks";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",		exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",		exec "VoiceChat Oops"; 		close wm_quickglobal2, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",		exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",	exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",	exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",		exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; 		close wm_quickobjectives,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; 			close wm_quickobjectives,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",		exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",	exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";	close wm_quickobjectives, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",			exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"0", 9 )


Pour créer un menu v8 il faut ajouter :

Code : Tout sélectionner

QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;	open wm_quickfun_alt,		"8", 7 )
Ce qui donnera :

Code : Tout sélectionner

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"1. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"2. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"3. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"4. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessageAlt;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"5. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"6. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"7. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"7", 6 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;	open wm_quickfun_alt,		"8", 7 )

Ensuite il va falloir ajouter le script du menu entier (à ajouter au début ou a la fin du fichier "wm_quickmessageAlt":

Code : Tout sélectionner

    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   

Voila le fichier wm_quickmessageAlt.menu modifier complétement:

Code : Tout sélectionner

                         #include "ui/menudef.h"

       #define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25

       #define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE      10 10


       #define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )                                                         \
    menuDef {                                                                              \
       name      WINDOWNAME                                                                  \
       visible      0                                                                        \
       fullscreen   0                                                                        \
       rect      0 100 640 380                                                               \
       onOpen      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }                                                \
       onClose      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }                                                \
       onEsc      { closeAll }                                                               \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "window"                                                               \
          rect      0 19 204 136                                                            \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   0 0 0 .75                                                               \
          border      WINDOW_BORDER_FULL                                                         \
          bordercolor   .5 .5 .5 .5                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \
       }                                                                                 \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "windowtitle"                                                            \
          rect      $evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12                           \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          text      "^7Menu de ma team"                                                               \
          textfont   UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16                                                         \
          textscale   .19                                                                     \
          textalignx   3                                                                     \
          textaligny   10                                                                     \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   .16 .2 .17 .8                                                            \
          forecolor   .6 .6 .6 1                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \

       #define QM_MENU_END }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )            \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
        execKey KEY { ACTION }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )         \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
       execKey KEY { ACTION }

    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "1. Statements",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickstatements,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "2. Requests",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickrequests,       "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "3. Commands",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickcommand,       "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "4. Talk",          close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickmisc,          "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM(       "5. Global",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickglobal,       "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "6. Function",       exec "wm_sayPlayerClass";    close wm_quickmessage,      "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "7. Objectives",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickfun_alt,      "8", 7 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "9. More",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickmore_alt,      "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.",       exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak";       close wm_quickstatements,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear",          exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear";          close wm_quickstatements,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming";          close wm_quickstatements,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";       close wm_quickstatements,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire";       close wm_quickstatements,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared",       exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised",    exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";   close wm_quickstatements,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic";       close wm_quickrequests,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup";    close wm_quickrequests,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer";    close wm_quickrequests,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe";       close wm_quickrequests,   5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",         exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";       close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?",          exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps";       close wm_quickrequests,   "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe";          close wm_quickcommand,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo";          close wm_quickcommand,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!",             exec "VoiceTeamChat Move";             close wm_quickcommand,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath";       close wm_quickcommand,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective";    close wm_quickcommand,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite";    close wm_quickcommand,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines";       close wm_quickcommand,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "9", 8 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative";       close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks";       close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",      exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome";       close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry";       close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops";          close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",            exec "VoiceChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickglobal,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceChat Negative";       close wm_quickglobal,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",      exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";      close wm_quickglobal,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",            exec "VoiceChat Hi";          close wm_quickglobal,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",            exec "VoiceChat Bye";          close wm_quickglobal,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",      exec "VoiceChat GreatShot";    close wm_quickglobal,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",         exec "VoiceChat Cheer";       close wm_quickglobal,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",   close wm_quickglobal;         open wm_quickglobal2,    "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",      exec "VoiceChat Thanks";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",      exec "VoiceChat Welcome";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",      exec "VoiceChat Oops";       close wm_quickglobal2,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",      exec "VoiceChat Sorry";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",   exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",   exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",      exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged";       close wm_quickobjectives,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary";          close wm_quickobjectives,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",      exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",   exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";   close wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",         exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Gloabal",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt2, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Musique",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt3, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Campeur",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt4, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Boulet",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt6, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Yeahaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt5, 	"5", 4 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Powaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt7, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Zic",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt8, 	"7", 6 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt3" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt4" )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt5" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt5d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5i"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt6" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				      exec "VoiceChat more_alt6b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,	"5", 4 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt7" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7a";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7b"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7c";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7e";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7i"; 	        close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt8" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8a";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8b"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8c;        close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8d";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8e";     close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8f"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		        exec "VoiceChat more_alt8i"; 	                close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"0", 9 )

Faites bien attention au numéro !

Code : Tout sélectionner

"x", x
Ensuite retournez dans le fichier "wm_axis_chat.sound".
Vous allez créer le "script" qui permettra de choisir le son.
Mais tout d'abord vous allez créer un nouveau dossier:
  • - Sound
    - Créer un dossier nommer "fun".
    - Créer des sous dossier : fun_1 à fun_10
    - Placer tous les sons du nouveau menu (v8) dans les fichiers fun1 à fun_10. (Soyez judicieux, ne placer pas les sons aux hasards, classer les par style. Par exemple fun_1 = bruitages, fun_2 = musiques, fun_3 = ....
Revenons au fichier "wm_axis_chat.sound".
- Ouvrer le.
- Allez tout en bas.
- Ajouter :

Code : Tout sélectionner

        sound/fun/fun_1/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_1/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_4/4son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_9/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_9/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_10/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_10/son.wav   "texte du son"

Votre menu et créer, il ne vous reste plus qu'à modifier :

Code : Tout sélectionner

Par le nom du son.

Code : Tout sélectionner

texte du son
Par le texte voulu.

/!\ Attention au "}" Et "". Regardez bien si il n'en manque pas.

Dans la partie qui suis nous allons voir: Comment créer un pack son.

Pour cela il faut:
  • - Ouvrir PakScape.
    - Allez sur l'onglet "File".
    - Faire "New"
Ensuite il faut créer divers dossier :
  • - Un dossier nommer: scripts
    - Un dossier nommer: sound
    - Un dossier nommer: ui
Dans le dossier "scripts" il va falloir créer des fichiers .voice nommé:
  • - wm_axis_chat.voice
    - wm_allies_chat.voice
(les fichiers donnés dans cette partie sont déjà modifier (pour la suite du tuto).

Fichier "wm_allies_chat.voice":

Code : Tout sélectionner

// quickchat script for allied player //
/// last edited by marauder 07/05/03 ///


// wm_quickstatements //

	sound/chat/allies/11a.wav	"Path cleared."
	sound/chat/allies/11b.wav	"Path cleared."

	sound/chat/allies/12a.wav	"The enemy is weakened."
	sound/chat/allies/12b.wav	"The enemy is weakened."

	sound/chat/allies/13a.wav	"All clear."
	sound/chat/allies/13b.wav	"All clear."

	sound/chat/allies/14a.wav	"Incoming!"
	sound/chat/allies/14b.wav	"Incoming!"

	sound/chat/allies/15a.wav	"Fire in the hole!"
	sound/chat/allies/15b.wav	"Fire in the hole!"

	sound/chat/allies/16a.wav	"I'm on defense."
	sound/chat/allies/16b.wav	"I'm on defense."

	sound/chat/allies/17a.wav	"I'm on offense."
	sound/chat/allies/17b.wav	"I'm on offense."

	sound/chat/allies/18a.wav	"Taking fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/18b.wav	"Taking fire!"

	sound/chat/allies/19a.wav	"Mines cleared."
	sound/chat/allies/19b.wav	"Mines cleared."

	sound/chat/allies/10a.wav	"Enemy in disguise."
	sound/chat/allies/10b.wav	"Enemy in disguise."

// wm_quickrequests //

	sound/chat/allies/21a.wav	"Need a Medic!"		sprites/voiceMedic
	sound/chat/allies/21b.wav	"I need a Medic!"	sprites/voiceMedic

	sound/chat/allies/22a.wav	"I need ammo!"		sprites/voiceAmmo

	sound/chat/allies/23a.wav	"I need backup!"
	sound/chat/allies/23b.wav	"I need backup!"

	sound/chat/allies/24a.wav	"We need an engineer!"
	sound/chat/allies/24b.wav	"We need an engineer!"

	sound/chat/allies/25a.wav	"Covering fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/25b.wav	"Covering fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/25c.wav	"Cover me!"
	sound/chat/allies/25d.wav	"Cover me!"

	sound/chat/allies/26a.wav	"Hold your fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/26b.wav	"Hold your fire!"

	sound/chat/allies/27a.wav	"Where to?"
	sound/chat/allies/27b.wav	"Where to?"

	sound/chat/allies/28a.wav	"We need Covert Ops!"
	sound/chat/allies/28b.wav	"We need Covert Ops!"

// wm_quickcommands //

	sound/chat/allies/31a.wav	"Follow me!"
	sound/chat/allies/31b.wav	"Follow me!"

	sound/chat/allies/32a.wav	"Let's go!"
	sound/chat/allies/32b.wav	"Let's go!"

	sound/chat/allies/33a.wav	"Move!"
	sound/chat/allies/33b.wav	"Move!"

	sound/chat/allies/34a.wav	"Clear the path!"
	sound/chat/allies/34b.wav	"Clear the path!"

	sound/chat/allies/35a.wav	"Defend our objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/35b.wav	"Defend our objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/36a.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"
	sound/chat/allies/36b.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"

	sound/chat/allies/37a.wav	"Clear the mines!"
	sound/chat/allies/37b.wav	"Clear the mines!"

	sound/chat/allies/38a.wav	"Reinforce the defense!"
	sound/chat/allies/38b.wav	"Reinforce the defense!"

	sound/chat/allies/39a.wav	"Reinforce the offense!"
	sound/chat/allies/39b.wav	"Reinforce the offense!"

// wm_quickmisc //

	sound/chat/allies/41a.wav	"Affirmative!"
	sound/chat/allies/41b.wav	"Yes!"
	sound/chat/allies/41c.wav	"Yes!"

	sound/chat/allies/42a.wav	"No!"
	sound/chat/allies/42b.wav	"No!"
	sound/chat/allies/42c.wav	"Negative!"
	sound/chat/allies/42d.wav	"Negative!"

	sound/chat/allies/43a.wav	"Thanks!"
	sound/chat/allies/43b.wav	"Thanks!"
	sound/chat/allies/43c.wav	"Thank you!"
	sound/chat/allies/43d.wav	"Thank you!"

	sound/chat/allies/44a.wav	"You're welcome."
	sound/chat/allies/44b.wav	"You're welcome."
	sound/chat/allies/44c.wav	"No problem."
	sound/chat/allies/44d.wav	"No problem."

	sound/chat/allies/45a.wav	"Sorry!"
	sound/chat/allies/45b.wav	"Sorry!"
	sound/chat/allies/45c.wav	"Sorry!"

	sound/chat/allies/46a.wav	"Oops!"
	sound/chat/allies/46b.wav	"Oops!"
	sound/chat/allies/46c.wav	"Oops!"

// wm_quickglobal //

	sound/chat/allies/54a.wav	"Hi!"
	sound/chat/allies/54b.wav	"Hi!"
	sound/chat/allies/54c.wav	"Hi!"
	sound/chat/allies/54d.wav	"Hello!"
	sound/chat/allies/54e.wav	"Hello!"

	sound/chat/allies/55a.wav	"Bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55b.wav	"Bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55c.wav	"Bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55d.wav	"Good bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55e.wav	"Good bye."

	sound/chat/allies/56a.wav	"Great shot!"
	sound/chat/allies/56b.wav	"Great shot!"

	sound/chat/allies/57a.wav	"Hahaa!"
	sound/chat/allies/57b.wav	"Alright!"
	sound/chat/allies/57c.wav	"Yes!"
	sound/chat/allies/57d.wav	"Yes!"
	sound/chat/allies/57e.wav	"'Atta way, baby!"
	sound/chat/allies/57f.wav	"You got it, man!"
	sound/chat/allies/57g.wav	"Yeehaa!"
	sound/chat/allies/57h.wav	"Yoohoo!"
	sound/chat/allies/57i.wav	"Yeah!"
	sound/chat/allies/57j.wav	"Yeah!"
	sound/chat/allies/57k.wav	"Yeah!"
	sound/chat/allies/57l.wav	"Woo!"

// wm_quickglobal2 //

	sound/chat/allies/586a.wav	"Good game!"
	sound/chat/allies/586b.wav	"Good game!"
	sound/chat/allies/586c.wav	"Good game!"

// wm_sayplayerclass //

	sound/chat/allies/61a.wav	"I'm a soldier."
	sound/chat/allies/61b.wav	"I'm a soldier."

	sound/chat/allies/62a.wav	"I'm a medic."
	sound/chat/allies/62b.wav	"I'm a medic."

	sound/chat/allies/63a.wav	"I'm an engineer."
	sound/chat/allies/63b.wav	"I'm an engineer."

	sound/chat/allies/64a.wav	"I'm a field ops."

	sound/chat/allies/65a.wav	"I'm a covert ops."

// wm_quickattack //

	sound/chat/allies/71a.wav	"Destroy primary objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/71b.wav	"Destroy primary objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/72a.wav	"Destroy secondary objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/72b.wav	"Destroy secondary objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/73a.wav	"Destroy construction!"
	sound/chat/allies/73b.wav	"Destroy construction!"

	sound/chat/allies/75a.wav	"Repair the vehicle!"
	sound/chat/allies/75b.wav	"Repair the vehicle!"

	sound/chat/allies/76a.wav	"Disable the vehicle!"
	sound/chat/allies/76b.wav	"Disable the vehicle!"

	sound/chat/allies/77a.wav	"Escort the vehicle!"
	sound/chat/allies/77b.wav	"Escort the vehicle!"

// wm_quickobjectives //

	sound/chat/allies/81a.wav	"Command acknowledged!"
	sound/chat/allies/81b.wav	"Command acknowledged!"
	sound/chat/allies/81c.wav	"Right away!"
	sound/chat/allies/81d.wav	"Right away!"

	sound/chat/allies/82a.wav	"Command declined!"
	sound/chat/allies/82b.wav	"Command declined!"
	sound/chat/allies/82c.wav	"No can do!"
	sound/chat/allies/82d.wav	"No can do!"

	sound/chat/allies/83a.wav	"Command completed!"
	sound/chat/allies/83b.wav	"Command completed!"

	sound/chat/allies/84a.wav	"I'm constructing!"
	sound/chat/allies/84b.wav	"I'm constructing!"

// wm_quickfireteams //

	sound/chat/allies/98a.wav	"Attack!"
	sound/chat/allies/98b.wav	"Attack!"

	sound/chat/allies/99a.wav	"Fall back!"
	sound/chat/allies/99b.wav	"Fall back!"

// wm_quickfireteamssoldier //

	sound/chat/allies/25c.wav	"Cover me!"
	sound/chat/allies/25d.wav	"Cover me!"

	sound/chat/allies/25a.wav	"Covering fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/25b.wav	"Covering fire!"

	sound/chat/allies/911a.wav	"Deploy mortar!"
	sound/chat/allies/911b.wav	"Deploy mortar!"

// wm_quickfireteamsmedic //

	sound/chat/allies/921a.wav	"Heal the squad!"
	sound/chat/allies/921b.wav	"Heal the squad!"

	sound/chat/allies/922a.wav	"Heal me!"			sprites/voiceMedic

	sound/chat/allies/923a.wav	"Revive team mate!"
	sound/chat/allies/923b.wav	"Revive team mate!"

	sound/chat/allies/924a.wav	"Revive me!"			sprites/voiceMedic
	sound/chat/allies/924b.wav	"Revive me!"			sprites/voiceMedic

// wm_quickfireteamsengineer //

	sound/chat/allies/931a.wav	"Destroy the objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/931b.wav	"Destroy the objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/932a.wav	"Repair objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/932b.wav	"Repair objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/933a.wav	"Construct objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/933b.wav	"Construct objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/36a.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"
	sound/chat/allies/36b.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"

	sound/chat/allies/934a.wav	"Deploy landmines!"
	sound/chat/allies/934b.wav	"Deploy landmines!"

	sound/chat/allies/935a.wav	"Disarm landmines!"
	sound/chat/allies/935b.wav	"Disarm landmines!"

// wm_quickfireteamsfieldops //

	sound/chat/allies/941a.wav	"Call an airstrike!"
	sound/chat/allies/941a.wav	"Call an airstrike!"

	sound/chat/allies/942a.wav	"Call in artillery!"
	sound/chat/allies/942b.wav	"Call in artillery!"
	sound/chat/allies/944a.wav	"Resupply the squad!"
	sound/chat/allies/944b.wav	"Resupply the squad!"

	sound/chat/allies/945a.wav	"Resupply me!"			sprites/voiceAmmo
	sound/chat/allies/945b.wav	"Resupply me!"			sprites/voiceAmmo

// wm_quickfireteamscovertops //

	sound/chat/allies/951a.wav	"Explore the area!"
	sound/chat/allies/951b.wav	"Explore the area!"

	sound/chat/allies/952a.wav	"Check for landmines!"

	sound/chat/allies/931a.wav	"Destroy the objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/931b.wav	"Destroy the objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/953a.wav	"Infiltrate!"
	sound/chat/allies/953b.wav	"Infiltrate!"

	sound/chat/allies/954a.wav	"Go undercover!"

	sound/chat/allies/955a.wav	"Provide sniper cover!"

// wm_quickfun_alt //

        sound/fun/fun_1/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_1/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_4/4son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_9/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_9/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_10/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_10/son.wav   "texte du son"

// wm_quickmore_alt //

        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"

        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
Fichier "wm_axis_chat.voice"

Code : Tout sélectionner

// quickchat script for allied player //
/// last edited by marauder 07/05/03 ///


// wm_quickstatements //

	sound/chat/allies/11a.wav	"Path cleared."
	sound/chat/allies/11b.wav	"Path cleared."

	sound/chat/allies/12a.wav	"The enemy is weakened."
	sound/chat/allies/12b.wav	"The enemy is weakened."

	sound/chat/allies/13a.wav	"All clear."
	sound/chat/allies/13b.wav	"All clear."

	sound/chat/allies/14a.wav	"Incoming!"
	sound/chat/allies/14b.wav	"Incoming!"

	sound/chat/allies/15a.wav	"Fire in the hole!"
	sound/chat/allies/15b.wav	"Fire in the hole!"

	sound/chat/allies/16a.wav	"I'm on defense."
	sound/chat/allies/16b.wav	"I'm on defense."

	sound/chat/allies/17a.wav	"I'm on offense."
	sound/chat/allies/17b.wav	"I'm on offense."

	sound/chat/allies/18a.wav	"Taking fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/18b.wav	"Taking fire!"

	sound/chat/allies/19a.wav	"Mines cleared."
	sound/chat/allies/19b.wav	"Mines cleared."

	sound/chat/allies/10a.wav	"Enemy in disguise."
	sound/chat/allies/10b.wav	"Enemy in disguise."

// wm_quickrequests //

	sound/chat/allies/21a.wav	"Need a Medic!"		sprites/voiceMedic
	sound/chat/allies/21b.wav	"I need a Medic!"	sprites/voiceMedic

	sound/chat/allies/22a.wav	"I need ammo!"		sprites/voiceAmmo

	sound/chat/allies/23a.wav	"I need backup!"
	sound/chat/allies/23b.wav	"I need backup!"

	sound/chat/allies/24a.wav	"We need an engineer!"
	sound/chat/allies/24b.wav	"We need an engineer!"

	sound/chat/allies/25a.wav	"Covering fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/25b.wav	"Covering fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/25c.wav	"Cover me!"
	sound/chat/allies/25d.wav	"Cover me!"

	sound/chat/allies/26a.wav	"Hold your fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/26b.wav	"Hold your fire!"

	sound/chat/allies/27a.wav	"Where to?"
	sound/chat/allies/27b.wav	"Where to?"

	sound/chat/allies/28a.wav	"We need Covert Ops!"
	sound/chat/allies/28b.wav	"We need Covert Ops!"

// wm_quickcommands //

	sound/chat/allies/31a.wav	"Follow me!"
	sound/chat/allies/31b.wav	"Follow me!"

	sound/chat/allies/32a.wav	"Let's go!"
	sound/chat/allies/32b.wav	"Let's go!"

	sound/chat/allies/33a.wav	"Move!"
	sound/chat/allies/33b.wav	"Move!"

	sound/chat/allies/34a.wav	"Clear the path!"
	sound/chat/allies/34b.wav	"Clear the path!"

	sound/chat/allies/35a.wav	"Defend our objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/35b.wav	"Defend our objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/36a.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"
	sound/chat/allies/36b.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"

	sound/chat/allies/37a.wav	"Clear the mines!"
	sound/chat/allies/37b.wav	"Clear the mines!"

	sound/chat/allies/38a.wav	"Reinforce the defense!"
	sound/chat/allies/38b.wav	"Reinforce the defense!"

	sound/chat/allies/39a.wav	"Reinforce the offense!"
	sound/chat/allies/39b.wav	"Reinforce the offense!"

// wm_quickmisc //

	sound/chat/allies/41a.wav	"Affirmative!"
	sound/chat/allies/41b.wav	"Yes!"
	sound/chat/allies/41c.wav	"Yes!"

	sound/chat/allies/42a.wav	"No!"
	sound/chat/allies/42b.wav	"No!"
	sound/chat/allies/42c.wav	"Negative!"
	sound/chat/allies/42d.wav	"Negative!"

	sound/chat/allies/43a.wav	"Thanks!"
	sound/chat/allies/43b.wav	"Thanks!"
	sound/chat/allies/43c.wav	"Thank you!"
	sound/chat/allies/43d.wav	"Thank you!"

	sound/chat/allies/44a.wav	"You're welcome."
	sound/chat/allies/44b.wav	"You're welcome."
	sound/chat/allies/44c.wav	"No problem."
	sound/chat/allies/44d.wav	"No problem."

	sound/chat/allies/45a.wav	"Sorry!"
	sound/chat/allies/45b.wav	"Sorry!"
	sound/chat/allies/45c.wav	"Sorry!"

	sound/chat/allies/46a.wav	"Oops!"
	sound/chat/allies/46b.wav	"Oops!"
	sound/chat/allies/46c.wav	"Oops!"

// wm_quickglobal //

	sound/chat/allies/54a.wav	"Hi!"
	sound/chat/allies/54b.wav	"Hi!"
	sound/chat/allies/54c.wav	"Hi!"
	sound/chat/allies/54d.wav	"Hello!"
	sound/chat/allies/54e.wav	"Hello!"

	sound/chat/allies/55a.wav	"Bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55b.wav	"Bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55c.wav	"Bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55d.wav	"Good bye."
	sound/chat/allies/55e.wav	"Good bye."

	sound/chat/allies/56a.wav	"Great shot!"
	sound/chat/allies/56b.wav	"Great shot!"

	sound/chat/allies/57a.wav	"Hahaa!"
	sound/chat/allies/57b.wav	"Alright!"
	sound/chat/allies/57c.wav	"Yes!"
	sound/chat/allies/57d.wav	"Yes!"
	sound/chat/allies/57e.wav	"'Atta way, baby!"
	sound/chat/allies/57f.wav	"You got it, man!"
	sound/chat/allies/57g.wav	"Yeehaa!"
	sound/chat/allies/57h.wav	"Yoohoo!"
	sound/chat/allies/57i.wav	"Yeah!"
	sound/chat/allies/57j.wav	"Yeah!"
	sound/chat/allies/57k.wav	"Yeah!"
	sound/chat/allies/57l.wav	"Woo!"

// wm_quickglobal2 //

	sound/chat/allies/586a.wav	"Good game!"
	sound/chat/allies/586b.wav	"Good game!"
	sound/chat/allies/586c.wav	"Good game!"

// wm_sayplayerclass //

	sound/chat/allies/61a.wav	"I'm a soldier."
	sound/chat/allies/61b.wav	"I'm a soldier."

	sound/chat/allies/62a.wav	"I'm a medic."
	sound/chat/allies/62b.wav	"I'm a medic."

	sound/chat/allies/63a.wav	"I'm an engineer."
	sound/chat/allies/63b.wav	"I'm an engineer."

	sound/chat/allies/64a.wav	"I'm a field ops."

	sound/chat/allies/65a.wav	"I'm a covert ops."

// wm_quickattack //

	sound/chat/allies/71a.wav	"Destroy primary objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/71b.wav	"Destroy primary objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/72a.wav	"Destroy secondary objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/72b.wav	"Destroy secondary objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/73a.wav	"Destroy construction!"
	sound/chat/allies/73b.wav	"Destroy construction!"

	sound/chat/allies/75a.wav	"Repair the vehicle!"
	sound/chat/allies/75b.wav	"Repair the vehicle!"

	sound/chat/allies/76a.wav	"Disable the vehicle!"
	sound/chat/allies/76b.wav	"Disable the vehicle!"

	sound/chat/allies/77a.wav	"Escort the vehicle!"
	sound/chat/allies/77b.wav	"Escort the vehicle!"

// wm_quickobjectives //

	sound/chat/allies/81a.wav	"Command acknowledged!"
	sound/chat/allies/81b.wav	"Command acknowledged!"
	sound/chat/allies/81c.wav	"Right away!"
	sound/chat/allies/81d.wav	"Right away!"

	sound/chat/allies/82a.wav	"Command declined!"
	sound/chat/allies/82b.wav	"Command declined!"
	sound/chat/allies/82c.wav	"No can do!"
	sound/chat/allies/82d.wav	"No can do!"

	sound/chat/allies/83a.wav	"Command completed!"
	sound/chat/allies/83b.wav	"Command completed!"

	sound/chat/allies/84a.wav	"I'm constructing!"
	sound/chat/allies/84b.wav	"I'm constructing!"

// wm_quickfireteams //

	sound/chat/allies/98a.wav	"Attack!"
	sound/chat/allies/98b.wav	"Attack!"

	sound/chat/allies/99a.wav	"Fall back!"
	sound/chat/allies/99b.wav	"Fall back!"

// wm_quickfireteamssoldier //

	sound/chat/allies/25c.wav	"Cover me!"
	sound/chat/allies/25d.wav	"Cover me!"

	sound/chat/allies/25a.wav	"Covering fire!"
	sound/chat/allies/25b.wav	"Covering fire!"

	sound/chat/allies/911a.wav	"Deploy mortar!"
	sound/chat/allies/911b.wav	"Deploy mortar!"

// wm_quickfireteamsmedic //

	sound/chat/allies/921a.wav	"Heal the squad!"
	sound/chat/allies/921b.wav	"Heal the squad!"

	sound/chat/allies/922a.wav	"Heal me!"			sprites/voiceMedic

	sound/chat/allies/923a.wav	"Revive team mate!"
	sound/chat/allies/923b.wav	"Revive team mate!"

	sound/chat/allies/924a.wav	"Revive me!"			sprites/voiceMedic
	sound/chat/allies/924b.wav	"Revive me!"			sprites/voiceMedic

// wm_quickfireteamsengineer //

	sound/chat/allies/931a.wav	"Destroy the objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/931b.wav	"Destroy the objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/932a.wav	"Repair objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/932b.wav	"Repair objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/933a.wav	"Construct objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/933b.wav	"Construct objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/36a.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"
	sound/chat/allies/36b.wav	"Disarm the dynamite!"

	sound/chat/allies/934a.wav	"Deploy landmines!"
	sound/chat/allies/934b.wav	"Deploy landmines!"

	sound/chat/allies/935a.wav	"Disarm landmines!"
	sound/chat/allies/935b.wav	"Disarm landmines!"

// wm_quickfireteamsfieldops //

	sound/chat/allies/941a.wav	"Call an airstrike!"
	sound/chat/allies/941a.wav	"Call an airstrike!"

	sound/chat/allies/942a.wav	"Call in artillery!"
	sound/chat/allies/942b.wav	"Call in artillery!"
	sound/chat/allies/944a.wav	"Resupply the squad!"
	sound/chat/allies/944b.wav	"Resupply the squad!"

	sound/chat/allies/945a.wav	"Resupply me!"			sprites/voiceAmmo
	sound/chat/allies/945b.wav	"Resupply me!"			sprites/voiceAmmo

// wm_quickfireteamscovertops //

	sound/chat/allies/951a.wav	"Explore the area!"
	sound/chat/allies/951b.wav	"Explore the area!"

	sound/chat/allies/952a.wav	"Check for landmines!"

	sound/chat/allies/931a.wav	"Destroy the objective!"
	sound/chat/allies/931b.wav	"Destroy the objective!"

	sound/chat/allies/953a.wav	"Infiltrate!"
	sound/chat/allies/953b.wav	"Infiltrate!"

	sound/chat/allies/954a.wav	"Go undercover!"

	sound/chat/allies/955a.wav	"Provide sniper cover!"

// wm_quickfun_alt //

        sound/fun/fun_1/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_1/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_4/4son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_9/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_9/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_10/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/fun/fun_10/son.wav   "texte du son"

// wm_quickmore_alt //

        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt2/son.wav   "texte du son"

        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt3/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt4/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt5/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt6/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt7/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
        sound/more/more_alt8/son.wav   "texte du son"
Dans le fichier sound il va falloir créer plusieurs sous dossier:
  • - chat
    - fun
    - vo
(Vous pouvez remplacer le fichier chat ou ajouter un autre dossier d'un nom différent, mais il faudra faire attention au fichier "wm_axis_chat.voice" et "wm_allies_chat.voice", c'est a dire faire attention a la redirection : sound/chat)

Facultatif, cette partie n'est pas recommandé = Alourdissement du pack son /!\
Ensuite dans le dossier chat il faudra créer deux sous-sous dossier nommé:
  • - allies
    - axis
Fichier Allies
Fichier Axis
C'est deux fichiers sont donnés car ils contiennent tous les sons de base du menu vocal.( A placer dans le dossier "chat".)

Vous n'êtes pas obliger de mettre tous les sons donnés (allies, axis ci-dessus)


Revenons au fichier sound.
Dans le fichier "fun" il faudra créer 10 sous-sous dossier.
- fun_1
- fun_2
- fun_3
- fun_4
- fun_5
- fun_6
- fun_7
- fun_8
- fun_9
- fun_10

Revenons au fichier sound.
Dans le fichier "vo" il faudra créer 1 sous-sous et deux sous-sous-sous dossier:

Comme sous-sous dossier:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Et dans le sous-sous dossier "general"

Code : Tout sélectionner


Code : Tout sélectionner


Dans le dossier allies il faudra créer deux fichier ".wav".
Ils seront nommés:

Code : Tout sélectionner


Code : Tout sélectionner

Dans le dossier axis il faudra créer un fichier ".wav".

Code : Tout sélectionner

Ces sons .wav sont les sons jouer durant les 30 dernières secondes d'une map.
Les deux sons .wav des allies: Se seront les mêmes sons, mise a part que le son (a ou b) seras plus faibles ou plus fort. Une petite différence d'intensité du sons suffiras.

Assez compliqué pour certains facile pour d'autres ^^.
Bref ...

Dans le fichier "ui" il faudra créer un fichier ".menu".
Celui donné est déjà modifier.


Code : Tout sélectionner

                         #include "ui/menudef.h"

       #define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25

       #define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE      10 10


       #define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )                                                         \
    menuDef {                                                                              \
       name      WINDOWNAME                                                                  \
       visible      0                                                                        \
       fullscreen   0                                                                        \
       rect      0 100 640 380                                                               \
       onOpen      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }                                                \
       onClose      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }                                                \
       onEsc      { closeAll }                                                               \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "window"                                                               \
          rect      0 19 204 136                                                            \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   0 0 0 .75                                                               \
          border      WINDOW_BORDER_FULL                                                         \
          bordercolor   .5 .5 .5 .5                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \
       }                                                                                 \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "windowtitle"                                                            \
          rect      $evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12                           \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          text      "^7Menu de ma team"                                                               \
          textfont   UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16                                                         \
          textscale   .19                                                                     \
          textalignx   3                                                                     \
          textaligny   10                                                                     \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   .16 .2 .17 .8                                                            \
          forecolor   .6 .6 .6 1                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \

       #define QM_MENU_END }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )            \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
        execKey KEY { ACTION }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )         \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
       execKey KEY { ACTION }

    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "1. Statements",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickstatements,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "2. Requests",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickrequests,       "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "3. Commands",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickcommand,       "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "4. Talk",          close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickmisc,          "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM(       "5. Global",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickglobal,       "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "6. Function",       exec "wm_sayPlayerClass";    close wm_quickmessage,      "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "7. Objectives",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickfun_alt,      "8", 7 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "9. More",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickmore_alt,      "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.",       exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak";       close wm_quickstatements,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear",          exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear";          close wm_quickstatements,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming";          close wm_quickstatements,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";       close wm_quickstatements,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire";       close wm_quickstatements,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared",       exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised",    exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";   close wm_quickstatements,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic";       close wm_quickrequests,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup";    close wm_quickrequests,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer";    close wm_quickrequests,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe";       close wm_quickrequests,   5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",         exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";       close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?",          exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps";       close wm_quickrequests,   "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe";          close wm_quickcommand,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo";          close wm_quickcommand,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!",             exec "VoiceTeamChat Move";             close wm_quickcommand,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath";       close wm_quickcommand,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective";    close wm_quickcommand,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite";    close wm_quickcommand,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines";       close wm_quickcommand,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "9", 8 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative";       close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks";       close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",      exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome";       close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry";       close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops";          close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",            exec "VoiceChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickglobal,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceChat Negative";       close wm_quickglobal,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",      exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";      close wm_quickglobal,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",            exec "VoiceChat Hi";          close wm_quickglobal,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",            exec "VoiceChat Bye";          close wm_quickglobal,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",      exec "VoiceChat GreatShot";    close wm_quickglobal,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",         exec "VoiceChat Cheer";       close wm_quickglobal,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",   close wm_quickglobal;         open wm_quickglobal2,    "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",      exec "VoiceChat Thanks";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",      exec "VoiceChat Welcome";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",      exec "VoiceChat Oops";       close wm_quickglobal2,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",      exec "VoiceChat Sorry";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",   exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",   exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",      exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged";       close wm_quickobjectives,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary";          close wm_quickobjectives,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",      exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",   exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";   close wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",         exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Gloabal",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt2, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Musique",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt3, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Campeur",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt4, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Boulet",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt6, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Yeahaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt5, 	"5", 4 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Powaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt7, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Zic",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt8, 	"7", 6 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt3" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt4" )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt5" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt5d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5i"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt6" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				      exec "VoiceChat more_alt6b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,	"5", 4 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt7" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7a";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7b"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7c";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7e";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7i"; 	        close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt8" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8a";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8b"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8c;        close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8d";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8e";     close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8f"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		        exec "VoiceChat more_alt8i"; 	                close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"0", 9 )

Voila tous les sous dossier , sous-sous dossier, .menu, .voice et fichier .wav ont était créer ou importer.

Ensuite pour modifier les phrases et sons, il faut regarder au dessus "Dans la partie qui suis nous allons voir: Comment modifier/personnaliser un pack son."

Comment mettre une image personnaliser l'or du téléchargement (Loading)?

Ouvrer votre pack son, et créer un dossier nommer: Dans ce dossier créer un sous dossier nommer:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Ensuite il va falloir créer l'image :
Dimension: 36,12 x36,12 cm (72ppi)

Puis il va falloir l'enregistrer sous le nom:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Placer le fichier dans le dossier "loading" (qui a était créer avant).

Changer la barre de progression.
Ouvrez votre pack son.
Allez dans le dossier: Puis dans le sous dossier:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Maintenant il va falloir créer des fichier:

Code : Tout sélectionner


Code : Tout sélectionner

L'image "progressbar" est l'image de derrière.
L'image "progressbar_back" est l'image du "chargement", celle qui défile au fil du chargement.

La taille de ces deux images est de:

Code : Tout sélectionner

9,03 x 1,13 cm (72ppi)
Fichier joint:
(664 octets) Téléchargé 394 fois

Mettre un lien vers votre site quand vous quitter le jeu via le menu (en l’occurrence "Quit game")

Allez dans le dossier "ui"
Créer un fichier nommer "quit.menu"
Ensuite mettez cela :

Code : Tout sélectionner

#include "ui/menudef.h"

// Defines //

#define WINDOW_X		0
#define WINDOW_Y		0
#define WINDOW_WIDTH	640
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT	480
#define GROUP_NAME		"grpQuit"

// Macros //

#include "ui/menumacros.h"
// Quit Menu //
menuDef {
	name		"quit"
	visible		0
	fullscreen	0
	fadeClamp	0.5
	fadeAmount  0.075
	onOpen {
		setitemcolor background backcolor 0 0 0 0 ;
		fadein background
		exec "set ui_finalURL www.monsite.fr"
	onESC {
		close quit ;
#ifdef FUI
		open main
		open ingame_main
#endif // FUI
// Background //

	itemDef {
		name		"background"
		rect		0 0 640 480
		background	"ui/assets/fadebox.tga"
		backcolor	0 0 0 0
		visible		1

// Subwindows //

#define SUBWINDOW_WIDTH		192

	LABEL( SUBWINDOW_X+2, SUBWINDOW_Y+21, (SUBWINDOW_WIDTH)-4, 10, " Don't forget to check out", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER, .5*((SUBWINDOW_WIDTH)-4), 8 )
	LABEL( SUBWINDOW_X+2, SUBWINDOW_Y+33, (SUBWINDOW_WIDTH)-4, 10, "Notre site: ^7www.monsite.fr", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER, .5*((SUBWINDOW_WIDTH)-4), 8 )
#ifdef FUI
	BUTTON( SUBWINDOW_X+6, SUBWINDOW_Y+SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT-24, .4*(SUBWINDOW_WIDTH-18), 18, "Oui", .3, 14, close quit ; close main ; open credits_quit )
	BUTTON( 363, 256, 50, 18, "Non", .3, 14, close quit ; open main )
	BUTTON( 310, 256, 50, 18, "^7Site", .3, 14, close quit ; open main ; uiScript validate_openURL)
	BUTTON( SUBWINDOW_X+6, SUBWINDOW_Y+SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT-24, .4*(SUBWINDOW_WIDTH-18), 18, "Oui", .3, 14, close quit ; close ingame_main ; open credits_quit )
	BUTTON( 363, 256, 50, 18, "Non", .3, 14, close quit ; open ingame_main )
	BUTTON( 310, 256, 50, 18, "^7Site", .3, 14, close quit ; open ingame_main ; uiScript validate_openURL)
#endif // FUI

Enregistrer le fichier sous le nom de: quit.menu
Placez ce fichier dans le dossier "ui"

Ce qui est modifiable:

Code : Tout sélectionner

exec "set ui_finalURL www.monsite.fr"
Modifier "www.monsite.fr" par le lien de votre site

Code : Tout sélectionner

"Notre site: ^7www.monsite.fr"

Mettre un titre au menu (chat voice).
  • - Ouvrir le dossier "ui"
    - Ouvrir le fichier "wm_quickmessageAlt"
    - Chercher:

Code : Tout sélectionner

}																											\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"windowtitle"																				\
		rect		$evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2)  $evalfloat((204)-4) 12									\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		text	"LsD Menu chat"																					\
		textfont	UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16																			\
		textscale	.19																							\
		textalignx	3																							\
		textaligny	10																							\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	.16 .2 .17 .8																				\
		forecolor	.6 .6 .6 1																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
  • - Chercher la ligne "text"
    - Mettre un nom de menu, par exemple: LsD Menu
N'oubliez pas d’enregistrer les changements.

Mettre des say et bind dans le menu des sons?
Utiliser cette partie du tutoriel si seulement vous les désirez ( = modifications du menu fun_alt).
Personnellement je ne le ferais pas :)

Ouvrir le fichier wm_quickmessageAlt.menu
Reprenons cette partie:

Code : Tout sélectionner

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son ",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   

Et modifions le par cela:

Code : Tout sélectionner

  QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

           QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Rate = 25000 ",      exec "rate 25000";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. k = kill",            exec "bind k kill";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Fps= 100",         exec "com_maxfps 100";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Voir Fps",   exec "cg_drawFPS 1";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Pas voir Fps",      exec "cg_drawFPS ";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Lagometre on",      exec "cg_lagometer 1";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Lagometre off",         exec "cg_lagometer 0";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. vid_restart",   exec "vid_restart";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. cvar_restart",      exec "cvar_restart";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
           QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Rules",            exec "Pas de tk, pas de sk ou kick";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   

Vous pouvez mettre des choses comme:
- cg_drawFPS 1
- cg_lagometer 1
- say "votre texte"

N'oubliez pas d'enregistrer !

Changer l'apparence des medic pack, du satchel charge et des mines.
Ouvrer votre pack son.
Créer un nouveau dossier. Il se nommera:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Dans le dossier models, créer un sous dossier qui se nommera:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Dans le dossier multiplayer il va falloir créer 3 sous sous dossier:
  • - medpack
    - mine_marker
    - satchel
Prenons le 1er: medpack.
-> fichier joint (medpack)
(13.05 Kio) Téléchargé 358 fois
Prenons le second: mine_marker.
-> fichier joint (mine_marker)
(56.54 Kio) Téléchargé 373 fois
Prenons le 3éme: satchel.
-> fichier joint (satchel)
(109.46 Kio) Téléchargé 335 fois
Dézziper les fichier et les coller dans le fichiers models (Cela vous simplifie la tache).

Savoir la localisation des joueurs via un drapeau.
- Ouvrir le dossier gfx
- Créer un sous dossier nommer:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Importer le fichier ci-dessous dans le dossier:

Code : Tout sélectionner

Fichier joint
(110.92 Kio) Téléchargé 374 fois
Créer un menu un peu plus complexe (v90).
- Ouvrir le pack son.
- Ouvrir le dossier "ui".
- Ouvrir le fichier "wm_quickmessagesAlt".

faire comme ceci (le fichier est donné car c'est assez long de le faire)

Code : Tout sélectionner

             #include "ui/menudef.h"

       #define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25

       #define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE      10 10


       #define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )                                                         \
    menuDef {                                                                              \
       name      WINDOWNAME                                                                  \
       visible      0                                                                        \
       fullscreen   0                                                                        \
       rect      0 100 640 380                                                               \
       onOpen      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }                                                \
       onClose      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }                                                \
       onEsc      { closeAll }                                                               \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "window"                                                               \
          rect      0 19 204 136                                                            \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   0 0 0 .75                                                               \
          border      WINDOW_BORDER_FULL                                                         \
          bordercolor   .5 .5 .5 .5                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \
       }                                                                                 \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "windowtitle"                                                            \
          rect      $evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12                           \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          text      "^7Menu de ma team"                                                               \
          textfont   UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16                                                         \
          textscale   .19                                                                     \
          textalignx   3                                                                     \
          textaligny   10                                                                     \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   .16 .2 .17 .8                                                            \
          forecolor   .6 .6 .6 1                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \

       #define QM_MENU_END }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )            \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
        execKey KEY { ACTION }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )         \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
       execKey KEY { ACTION }

    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "1. Statements",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickstatements,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "2. Requests",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickrequests,       "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "3. Commands",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickcommand,       "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "4. Talk",          close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickmisc,          "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM(       "5. Global",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickglobal,       "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "6. Function",       exec "wm_sayPlayerClass";    close wm_quickmessage,      "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "7. Objectives",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickfun_alt,      "8", 7 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "9. More",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickmore_alt,      "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.",       exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak";       close wm_quickstatements,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear",          exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear";          close wm_quickstatements,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming";          close wm_quickstatements,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";       close wm_quickstatements,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire";       close wm_quickstatements,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared",       exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised",    exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";   close wm_quickstatements,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic";       close wm_quickrequests,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup";    close wm_quickrequests,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer";    close wm_quickrequests,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe";       close wm_quickrequests,   5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",         exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";       close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?",          exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps";       close wm_quickrequests,   "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe";          close wm_quickcommand,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo";          close wm_quickcommand,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!",             exec "VoiceTeamChat Move";             close wm_quickcommand,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath";       close wm_quickcommand,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective";    close wm_quickcommand,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite";    close wm_quickcommand,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines";       close wm_quickcommand,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "9", 8 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative";       close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks";       close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",      exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome";       close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry";       close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops";          close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",            exec "VoiceChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickglobal,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceChat Negative";       close wm_quickglobal,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",      exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";      close wm_quickglobal,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",            exec "VoiceChat Hi";          close wm_quickglobal,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",            exec "VoiceChat Bye";          close wm_quickglobal,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",      exec "VoiceChat GreatShot";    close wm_quickglobal,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",         exec "VoiceChat Cheer";       close wm_quickglobal,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",   close wm_quickglobal;         open wm_quickglobal2,    "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",      exec "VoiceChat Thanks";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",      exec "VoiceChat Welcome";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",      exec "VoiceChat Oops";       close wm_quickglobal2,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",      exec "VoiceChat Sorry";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",   exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",   exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",      exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged";       close wm_quickobjectives,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary";          close wm_quickobjectives,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",      exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",   exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";   close wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",         exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Gloabal",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt2, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Musique",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt3, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Campeur",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt4, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Boulet",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt6, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Yeahaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt5, 	"5", 4 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Powaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt7, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Zic",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt8, 	"7", 6 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt3" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt4" )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt5" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt5d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5i"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt6" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				      exec "VoiceChat more_alt6b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,	"5", 4 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt7" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7a";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7b"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7c";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7e";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7i"; 	        close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt8" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8a";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8b"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8c;        close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8d";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8e";     close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8f"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		        exec "VoiceChat more_alt8i"; 	                close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"0", 9 )

Ici nous avons créer un menu : wm_quickmore_alt (menu numero 9)
Nous avons créer 8 sous menu (9 exactement). Ce qui ajoute enormement de Sons !

***Si vous avez un problèmes d'enregistrement****
J'ai enregistrer mon fichier mais cela n'a rien changer dans le pack son..


Code : Tout sélectionner

Enregistrer le fichier sur le bureau , et l'importer dans le pack son ensuite.
Pour ce qui n'ont rien compris?

Télécharger le pack son tout fait:
(294.27 Kio) Téléchargé 322 fois
Lisez les fichiers textes (.txt) à l’intérieur du pack qui vous guideront.
Dans le pack son donner, il y a comme fichier:
  • - gfx
    - models
    - scripts
    - sounds
    - ui
C'est a dire que tous ce qu'il y a d'expliquer dans le tuto est mis dans le pack son. (Mise à part la partie non recommander).

* Editer & Modifier.
* N'est pas encore finis.
Dernière modification par Doc le 01 nov. 2011, 14:50, modifié 24 fois.
WikiET, site d'entraide Enemy Territory !

La dictature c'est "Ferme ta gueule !", la démocratie c'est "Cause toujours !".
Messages : 3
Inscription : 13 mars 2011, 11:42
Xfire : loic0427
Localisation : Lille
Contact :

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par !LoWeaK? »

Oulalalalalala Tout simplement se que j'avait besoin
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Membre LSD
Membre LSD
Messages : 1769
Inscription : 24 févr. 2011, 10:02
Localisation : Vers l'Ouest, direction Nord est, Demi-tour sur 500 mètres au Sud, puis Iclic vers l'Est !
Contact :

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par Doc »

Édité (27/10/2011):
Ajouts de plusieurs parties:
  • - Comment mettre une image personnaliser l'or du téléchargement (Loading)?
    - Mettre un lien vers votre site quand vous quitter le jeu via le menu (en l’occurrence "Quit game")
    - Mettre un titre au menu (chat voice).
    - Mettre des say et bind dans le menu des sons?
    - Changer l'apparence des medic pack, du satchel charge et des mines.
    - Savoir la localisation des joueurs via un drapeau. (A voir)
Édité (28/10/2011):
Corrections de fautes:
  • - (wm_quicmessage en wm_quickmessageAlt) .
    - Corrections de quelques fautes.
    - Ajout de phrases explicatifs.
Édité (30/10/2011):
Correction du pack son + Modifications tuto:
  • - (wm_quicmessage en wm_quickmessageAlt) .
    - Ajout de fichier .txt.
    - Suppression de son inutile.
    - Ajouts de dossiers (gfx, models).
    - Ajout d'une partie Facultatif.
    - Upload nouveau pack son.
    - Modifications d'une partie.
    - Ajout de "Recommandations".
    - Ajout d'explications.
Édité (31/10/2011):
Ajoutes d'une partie:
  • - Changer la barre de progression.
Édité (01/11/2011):
Ajoutes d'une partie:
  • - Créer un menu un peu plus complexe (v90).
    - Gros édite des scripts.
    - Grosse modifications du wm_quickmessage_alt
    - Corrections d’énormes fautes.
    - + 47922 Caractères (powaa?)
Dernière modification par Doc le 01 nov. 2011, 14:59, modifié 11 fois.
WikiET, site d'entraide Enemy Territory !

La dictature c'est "Ferme ta gueule !", la démocratie c'est "Cause toujours !".
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 2718
Inscription : 14 févr. 2010, 18:20
Xfire : lsdwol
Localisation : 06
Contact :

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par LSD_WoL »

Le tuto a doc a "juste" 95000 caractères. :D

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par AiR'SpoRaX »

merci pour ce (et aussi pour les autres :D ) tuto vraiment bien fait ;)
cependant j'ai un problème (enfin je ne sais pas s'il s'agit d'une incompréhension de ma part ou d'autre chose :D ) , ainsi ( cela concerne la toute première partie du tuto : Comment modifier/personnaliser un pack son (via le pak0.pk3). => Comment modifier les textes? ) lorsque j'enregistre mon fichier modifié (bloc-note ;) ) et que je le réouvre ==> le fichier est comme au départ... comment faire pour que cela s'enregistre ? :(
*il n'ya pas eu d'enregistrement *
j'attends votre réponse :D


Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par AiR'SpoRaX »

ok c'est bon en fait ==> probleme avec mon ordi ^^
merci pour vos tutos :D
(prochainement pour une petite war AiR vs LSD =D )
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Membre LSD
Membre LSD
Messages : 1769
Inscription : 24 févr. 2011, 10:02
Localisation : Vers l'Ouest, direction Nord est, Demi-tour sur 500 mètres au Sud, puis Iclic vers l'Est !
Contact :

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par Doc »

Je te répond quand même: enfaite il ne faut pas modifier directement dans le pack0.pk3, il faut copier les fichier que tu veut modifier sur ton bureau ( par exemple) et que tu les modifie sur le bureau. Ensuite tu les remets dans le pack0.pk3. :)
WikiET, site d'entraide Enemy Territory !

La dictature c'est "Ferme ta gueule !", la démocratie c'est "Cause toujours !".
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 2718
Inscription : 14 févr. 2010, 18:20
Xfire : lsdwol
Localisation : 06
Contact :

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par LSD_WoL »

Mais il ne faut surtout pas modif les paks originaux!!
Si tu modifie un de tes pack originaux (pak0, ou pak1 ou pak2 ou mp_bin), tu pourra plus te connecté sur les serveurs, puisque le serveur verifie si les paks sont pas modif, et si c'est le cas sa kick le joueur.
Donc si tu veux faire une modif, il faut crée un autre pk3 avec un autre nom, et la sa sera bon.
Messages : 6
Inscription : 09 mai 2014, 23:14

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par Elektribe »

Ici sont regrouper les menu (v1/v2/v3/v4/v5/v6/v7/v8/v9 ...)
Bref, ouvre ce fichier, il est comme cela:

Code : Tout sélectionner

	#include "ui/menudef.h"

	#define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25



	#define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )																			\
menuDef {																										\
	name		WINDOWNAME																						\
	visible		0																								\
	fullscreen	0																								\
	rect		0 100 640 380																					\
	onOpen		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }																\
	onClose		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }																\
	onEsc		{ closeAll }																					\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"window"																					\
		rect		0 19 204 136																				\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	0 0 0 .75																					\
		border		WINDOW_BORDER_FULL																			\
		bordercolor	.5 .5 .5 .5																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
	}																											\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"windowtitle"																				\
		rect		$evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12									\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		text		"MESSAGE"																					\
		textfont	UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16																			\
		textscale	.19																							\
		textalignx	3																							\
		textaligny	10																							\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	.16 .2 .17 .8																				\
		forecolor	.6 .6 .6 1																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\

	#define QM_MENU_END }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
    execKey KEY { ACTION }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
	execKey KEY { ACTION }

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"S. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"s", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"R. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"r", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"C. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"T. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessageAlt;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"t", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"G. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"g", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"F. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"f", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"O. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"o", 6 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Path Cleared.", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"p", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Enemy Weak!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; 		close wm_quickstatements, 	"w", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. All Clear", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "I. Incoming", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"i", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Fire In The Hole!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";		 close wm_quickstatements,	"f", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. I'm Defending.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"d", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. I'm Attacking.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"a", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "T. Taking Fire!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"t", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Mines Cleared", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"m", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Enemy Disguised", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";	close wm_quickstatements,	"e", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Need Medic!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"m", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Need Ammo!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"a", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "B. Need Backup!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"b", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Need Engineer!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"e", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Cover Me!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"c", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "H. Hold Fire!",			exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";	 	close wm_quickrequests, "h", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Where To?", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"w", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Need Covert Ops!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"o", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Follow Me!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"f", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "G. Let's Go!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"g", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Move!", 				exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; 				close wm_quickcommand, 	"m", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Clear The Path!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"c", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Defend Objective!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"o", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Disarm Dynamite!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"d", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "N. Clear Mines!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"n", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Reinforce Offense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"r", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Reinforce Defense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"e", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "Y. Yes",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickmisc, "y", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "N. No",				exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "n", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "T. Thanks",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "t", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Welcome",		exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "w", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Sorry",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "s", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Oops", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; 			close wm_quickmisc, "o", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "Y. Yes",				exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"y", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "N. No",				exec "VoiceChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"n", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "W. Enemy Weak",		exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";		close wm_quickglobal, 	"w", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "H. Hi",				exec "VoiceChat Hi"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"h", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "B. Bye",				exec "VoiceChat Bye"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"b", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "S. Great Shot",		exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"s", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "C. Cheer",			exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"c", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "G. More Globals",	close wm_quickglobal;			open wm_quickglobal2, 	"g", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "T. Thanks",		exec "VoiceChat Thanks";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"t", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "W. Welcome",		exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"w", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "O. Oops",		exec "VoiceChat Oops"; 		close wm_quickglobal2, 	"o", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "S. Sorry",		exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"s", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "H. Hold Fire!",	exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"h", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "G. Good Game",	exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"g", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Command Acknowledged",		exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; 		close wm_quickobjectives,	"a", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Command Declined",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"d", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Command Completed",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Destroy Primary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; 			close wm_quickobjectives,	"p", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Destroy Secondary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"s", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "X. Destroy Construction",		exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"x", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Commencing Construction",	exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";	close wm_quickobjectives, 	"m", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Repair Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"r", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "V. Disable Vehicle",			exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"v", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Escort Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"e", 9 )

Il va falloir le modifier comme cela:

Code : Tout sélectionner

			#include "ui/menudef.h"

	#define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25



	#define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )																			\
menuDef {																										\
	name		WINDOWNAME																						\
	visible		0																								\
	fullscreen	0																								\
	rect		0 100 640 380																					\
	onOpen		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }																\
	onClose		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }																\
	onEsc		{ closeAll }																					\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"window"																					\
		rect		0 19 204 136																				\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	0 0 0 .75																					\
		border		WINDOW_BORDER_FULL																			\
		bordercolor	.5 .5 .5 .5																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
	}																											\
	itemDef {																									\
		name		"windowtitle"																				\
		rect		$evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12									\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		text		"MESSAGE"																					\
		textfont	UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16																			\
		textscale	.19																							\
		textalignx	3																							\
		textaligny	10																							\
		style		WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED																			\
		backcolor	.16 .2 .17 .8																				\
		forecolor	.6 .6 .6 1																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\

	#define QM_MENU_END }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
    execKey KEY { ACTION }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
	execKey KEY { ACTION }

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"1. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"2. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"3. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"4. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessageAlt;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"5. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"6. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"7. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"7", 6 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM(           "8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickfun_alt,      "8", 7 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; 		close wm_quickstatements, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";		 close wm_quickstatements,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";	close wm_quickstatements,	"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",			exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";	 	close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!", 				exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; 				close wm_quickcommand, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",				exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",		exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; 			close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",				exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",				exec "VoiceChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",		exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";		close wm_quickglobal, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",				exec "VoiceChat Hi"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",				exec "VoiceChat Bye"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",		exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",			exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",	close wm_quickglobal;			open wm_quickglobal2, 	"8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",		exec "VoiceChat Thanks";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",		exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",		exec "VoiceChat Oops"; 		close wm_quickglobal2, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",		exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",	exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",	exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",		exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; 		close wm_quickobjectives,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; 			close wm_quickobjectives,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",		exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",	exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";	close wm_quickobjectives, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",			exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"0", 9 )


Pour créer un menu v8 il faut ajouter :

Code : Tout sélectionner

QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;	open wm_quickfun_alt,		"8", 7 )
Ce qui donnera :

Code : Tout sélectionner

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"1. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"2. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"3. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"4. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessageAlt;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"5. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"6. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"7. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"7", 6 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;	open wm_quickfun_alt,		"8", 7 )

Ensuite il va falloir ajouter le script du menu entier (à ajouter au début ou a la fin du fichier "wm_quickmessageAlt":

Code : Tout sélectionner

    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   

Voila le fichier wm_quickmessageAlt.menu modifier complétement:

Code : Tout sélectionner

                         #include "ui/menudef.h"

       #define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25

       #define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE      10 10


       #define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )                                                         \
    menuDef {                                                                              \
       name      WINDOWNAME                                                                  \
       visible      0                                                                        \
       fullscreen   0                                                                        \
       rect      0 100 640 380                                                               \
       onOpen      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }                                                \
       onClose      { setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }                                                \
       onEsc      { closeAll }                                                               \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "window"                                                               \
          rect      0 19 204 136                                                            \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   0 0 0 .75                                                               \
          border      WINDOW_BORDER_FULL                                                         \
          bordercolor   .5 .5 .5 .5                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \
       }                                                                                 \
       itemDef {                                                                           \
          name      "windowtitle"                                                            \
          rect      $evalfloat((0)+2) $evalfloat((19)+2) $evalfloat((204)-4) 12                           \
          origin      ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                                                         \
          text      "^7Menu de ma team"                                                               \
          textfont   UI_FONT_ARIBLK_16                                                         \
          textscale   .19                                                                     \
          textalignx   3                                                                     \
          textaligny   10                                                                     \
          style      WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED                                                         \
          backcolor   .16 .2 .17 .8                                                            \
          forecolor   .6 .6 .6 1                                                               \
          visible      1                                                                     \
          decoration                                                                        \

       #define QM_MENU_END }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )            \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
          textscale      .2                                    \
          textaligny      8                                    \
          forecolor      .6 .6 .6 1                              \
          visible         1                                    \
          decoration                                          \
        }                                                   \
        execKey KEY { ACTION }

       #define QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( WINDOWTEXT, ACTION, KEY, POS )         \
        itemDef {                                             \
          name         "menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT                     \
          rect         6 $evalfloat( 35 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10         \
          origin         ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE                        \
          type         ITEM_TYPE_TEXT                           \
          text         WINDOWTEXT                              \
          textfont      UI_FONT_COURBD_21                        \
          textstyle      ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED                     \
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       execKey KEY { ACTION }

    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "1. Statements",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickstatements,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "2. Requests",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickrequests,       "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "3. Commands",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickcommand,       "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "4. Talk",          close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickmisc,          "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM(       "5. Global",       close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickglobal,       "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "6. Function",       exec "wm_sayPlayerClass";    close wm_quickmessage,      "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM(    "7. Objectives",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;       open wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "8. Fun",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickfun_alt,      "8", 7 )
            QM_MENU_ITEM(       "9. More",    close wm_quickmessageAlt;   open wm_quickmore_alt,      "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.",       exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak";       close wm_quickstatements,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear",          exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear";          close wm_quickstatements,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming";          close wm_quickstatements,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";       close wm_quickstatements,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.",    exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense";       close wm_quickstatements,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire";       close wm_quickstatements,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared",       exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared";       close wm_quickstatements,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised",    exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";   close wm_quickstatements,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic";       close wm_quickrequests,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup";    close wm_quickrequests,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer";    close wm_quickrequests,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe";       close wm_quickrequests,   5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",         exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";       close wm_quickrequests, "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?",          exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo";       close wm_quickrequests,   "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps";       close wm_quickrequests,   "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe";          close wm_quickcommand,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!",          exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo";          close wm_quickcommand,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!",             exec "VoiceTeamChat Move";             close wm_quickcommand,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath";       close wm_quickcommand,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective";    close wm_quickcommand,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!",    exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite";    close wm_quickcommand,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!",       exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines";       close wm_quickcommand,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense",    exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense";    close wm_quickcommand,   "9", 8 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickmisc, "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative";       close wm_quickmisc, "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks";       close wm_quickmisc, "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",      exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome";       close wm_quickmisc, "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",         exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry";       close wm_quickmisc, "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops",          exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops";          close wm_quickmisc, "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",            exec "VoiceChat Affirmative";    close wm_quickglobal,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",            exec "VoiceChat Negative";       close wm_quickglobal,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",      exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";      close wm_quickglobal,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",            exec "VoiceChat Hi";          close wm_quickglobal,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",            exec "VoiceChat Bye";          close wm_quickglobal,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",      exec "VoiceChat GreatShot";    close wm_quickglobal,    "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",         exec "VoiceChat Cheer";       close wm_quickglobal,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",   close wm_quickglobal;         open wm_quickglobal2,    "8", 7 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",      exec "VoiceChat Thanks";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",      exec "VoiceChat Welcome";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",      exec "VoiceChat Oops";       close wm_quickglobal2,    "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",      exec "VoiceChat Sorry";    close wm_quickglobal2,    "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",   exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",   exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";   close wm_quickglobal2,    "6", 5 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",      exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged";       close wm_quickobjectives,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",         exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary";          close wm_quickobjectives,   "4", 3 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",   exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "5", 4 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",      exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";      close wm_quickobjectives,   "6", 5 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",   exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";   close wm_quickobjectives,    "7", 6 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",         exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";         close wm_quickobjectives,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",            exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";            close wm_quickobjectives,   "0", 9 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

       QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_1";        close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "1", 0 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_2";            close wm_quickfun_alt,    "2", 1 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",         exec "VoiceChat fun_3";         close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "3", 2 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_4";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "4", 3 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_5";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "5", 4 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_6";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "6", 5 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",         exec "fun_7";   close wm_quickfun_alt,   "7", 6 )   
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",   exec "VoiceChat fun_8";         close wm_quickfun_alt,   "8", 7 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",      exec "VoiceChat fun_9";       close wm_quickfun_alt ,   "9", 8 )
       QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",            exec "VoiceChat fun_10";            close wm_quickfun_alt,   "0", 9 )   


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Gloabal",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt2, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Musique",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt3, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Campeur",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt4, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Boulet",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt6, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Yeahaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt5, 	"5", 4 )
        QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Powaaa",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt7, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Zic",	close wm_quickmore_alt;		open wm_quickmore_alt8, 	"7", 6 )


    QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt2e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt2,		"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt3" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt3f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt3h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt3,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt4" )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt4g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt4h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt4,		"9", 8 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt5" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt5d"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt5e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5f"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt5i"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt5,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt6" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6a"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",				      exec "VoiceChat more_alt6b"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6c"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,	"5", 4 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6e"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt6f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",				exec "VoiceChat more_alt6h"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt6,		"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt7" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7a";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7b"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7c";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7d"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7e";            close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7f"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt7h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		exec "VoiceChat more_alt7i"; 	        close wm_quickmore_alt7,		"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmore_alt8" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8a";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8b"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8c;        close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"4", 3 )	
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8d";       close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8e";     close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. texte du son",	                exec "VoiceChat more_alt8f"; 	   close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8g"; 		close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. texte du son",			exec "VoiceChat more_alt8h"; 	close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. texte du son",		        exec "VoiceChat more_alt8i"; 	                close wm_quickmore_alt8,		"0", 9 )

Faites bien attention au numéro !

Code : Tout sélectionner

"x", x

Bonjour a tous et a toutes
Dans 1 premier temps je me presente ( je sais c'est pas vraiment le sujet mais c'est mon premiers post alors..
mon pseudo est Elektribe, j'ai 17 ans, j'habite a Nice et je suis en ce moment motivé pour créee des map, apprendre le fonctionnement des scripts etc..^^

dans 1 deuxieme temps, j'ai trois petites questions a vous posé, (oui un ans apres je suis vraiment désoler :whistle: )
de 1, par rapport au message cité ci-dessus, je n'ai rien compris apres de longue heures d'essaie , le jeux me renvoit aux menu apres le "Awaiting Gamerstates" au chargement du serveur (aprés avoir modifié ces scripts) ce que je ne comprend pas (et c'est surement ici que je fait l'erreur) comment placer les "QM_MENU_ITEM, QM_MENU_START" etc.. en gros je ne comprend pas la modification du script "qm_messageALT" si vous pourriez me l'expliquer en language humain et non ordinateurs ca serais vraiment gentil svp :) et j'ai vu dans un post que le pak0.pk3 il fallait en créer un autre, lui changer le nom (celui qui est modifié) et le mettre dans etmain?

et 2nd question : comment faire pour changer les vetement des persos (les mettre en zombie, ou bien avec des bonnets rouges etc.. j'ai vous qu'on pouvais modifier les medic pack etc.. mais il y'en a qui changent carrement tout dans le serveurs

et derniere question apres je vous laisse tranquil, si quelqu'un sait ou ce trouve un tuto detaillé et en francais pour comment crée une map (fin plutot comment la scripté sa serait pas de refus (mettre des bots etc..)

AIDEZ moi je vous en supplie , je commence a desespéré , sa fait presque un mois que je cherche et que je lis des tutos sans reponse a mes question, merci d'avance! !!

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Membre LSD
Membre LSD
Messages : 1769
Inscription : 24 févr. 2011, 10:02
Localisation : Vers l'Ouest, direction Nord est, Demi-tour sur 500 mètres au Sud, puis Iclic vers l'Est !
Contact :

Re: Ouvrir, créer, personnaliser un pack son

Message par Doc »

Ce tutoriel est obsolète. Il a été refait ici http://www.wikiet.fr/forum/pack-son-f96/
WikiET, site d'entraide Enemy Territory !

La dictature c'est "Ferme ta gueule !", la démocratie c'est "Cause toujours !".

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