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Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 25 janv. 2012, 22:20
par goku
pas de "lags" ce soir.
voir éventuellement la piste du serveur lui-meme. verifier les IO et CPU load...

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 25 janv. 2012, 22:25
par N!trox*
Pareil, j'étais en spec et aucune erreur de prédiction comme celles que j'ai pu avoir hier...

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 25 janv. 2012, 22:25
par #LsD *LooseD*
ouais, j'ai pas ressenti le bug moi aussi....
ah si, un très gros bug, j'ai joué comme une cracotte ce soir!!! XD

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 25 janv. 2012, 22:32
par goku
bah t'as pas joué assez longtemps, il faut un temps de chauffe :D

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 25 mars 2012, 00:32
par LSD_WoL
Nitrox a publié une liste des modifs qu'il a effectué entre notre version du mod jusqu'a aujourd'hui:
  • Added: Lagometer now shows delay added by antiwarp, like ETPro
  • Fixed: some shuffleteams commands/cvars were wrong
  • Modified: n_ammoPackSinkDelay can't be set higher than 60000 or server uses default value
  • Modified: n_medPackSinkDelay can't be set higher than 60000 or server uses default value
  • Removed: 1 unused cvar
  • Modified: g_war is no longer a bitflag (and flag 4 becomes integer 3)
  • Added: Precise landmine trigger (n_preciseLandmineTrigger) If enabled, player bounding box will have to be inside the landmine bounding box to trigger it, instead of calculating the distance between the landmine and the player.
  • Modified: Antilag now stores up to 800ms of players' positions (ala ETPro) instead of 500ms (ETPub, for example)
  • Added: Neil Toronto's "Projectile Nudge" (Should make it easier for high pinger to dodge missiles. Cvar: cg_projectileNudge 0 - Disable | 1 - Enable | Default: 1)
  • Added: Debug bitflags 2 and 4 to g_antilag (2: Show backward reconciled player hitboxes whenever an antilagged trace is done by the server | 4: Show player hitboxes (at their current position) whenever a bullet weapon is fired)
  • Fixed: Haste's Fixed Physics Code (g_fixedphisycs and g_fixedphysicsfps) should work correctly (i'm not sure it did in older versions)
  • Fixed: I'm not sure pmove_fixed was working correctly, now it should be ok
  • Removed: cg_debugNewCS cvar
  • Fixed: death animations
  • Added: "DELETEALL" case sensitive argument to !delrecords to clear the whole records database.
  • Fixed: Global Stats - Don't count revives on bots
  • Fixed: Don't add extra ammo during war modes
  • Fixed: Ammo packs no longer give grenades during war modes
  • Fixed: Players can no longer regenerate health during war modes
  • Fixed: class limits could cause problems during war modes
  • Fixed: Players will be forced to spawn as soldier/engineer/covertops, depending of the war type, during war modes. If the war mode is disabled, they will respawn with their desired class
  • Fixed: Max Health will always be 100 during war modes or Death Match gametype
  • Fixed: potential issue with "EventsQueue"
  • Fixed: "removereferee" and "makereferee" server commands now call ClientUserinfoChanged()
  • Fixed: "MISC" menu file
  • Fixed: AutoMutes are now added to SQLite database
  • Fixed: "no shoot" icon was stretched in widescreen
  • Reworked: Missile cams - Use temp entities instead of 64 static entities. There's no point spawning 64 entities when some servers don't even use missile cams ... 2184#p2184

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 25 mars 2012, 20:32
par goku
mama, que du lourd, bravo! sur le papier ça sent bon. jai hâte de tester ça.

ps: ça veut dire que j'aurais plus un ping de zero? FUUUuuuuu

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 14 avr. 2012, 19:10
par LSD_WoL ... 2224#p2224
nitrox a écrit :But, you probably think "What's this new hitboxes system ?" or "Why would it be better than the original one ?"

Well here are some details:

Up to 17 hitboxes per player

That means no more hits on places where the player is not "physically" present smile

Every hitbox is synced with the player animation and rotation!

ET default hitboxes dont rotate and is (except ETPro realhead code) not linked to the player animation!

It doesn't use any extra entity for hit detection!

ET default hitboxes system can use up to 128 entities on a full 64 slots server.

Remember that too many entities can cause lags, performance issues, and can even result in server shutdown if the limit (1024) is reached!)

Isn't it an awesome performance gain ?!




Added: Advanced Hitboxes System
Added: g_hitboxes cvar (0 - Use N!tmod default hitboxes | 1 - Use new hitboxes | 2 - Increase hit detection precision, perfect for sniper servers)
Added: g_hitboxes Flag 2 - Strict hit detection (Increase precision for hit detection with the new hitboxes, it's perfect for a sniper server, but might be hard to hit with other weapons when there's too much action)
Added: CoversOps smoke now inhibit tripmine
Added: g_war Flag 4 - Knife War (replacing g_knifeonly cvar)
Fixed: cg_numPopups used to allow an extra popup
Fixed: FieldOps were able to call artillery in war modes ( ... task_id=42) - This is fixed just in case, but players should no longer be able to change class when war modes are enabled
Fixed: FriendlyFire voting used to set g_friendlyFire cvar to value 1 or 0, regardless of what bitflags were used (
Fixed: NGUID was not used for ban checks inside ClientConnect()
Fixed: NGUID was not used for Max Lives checks inside ClientConnect()
Fixed: Duplicate NGUID checks had no effect inside ClientConnect()
Fixed: can't pickup grenades during knife war
Fixed: g_pickAnyWeapon could allow picking up disallowed weapons during war modes
Fixed: Last printed popup messages was re-appearing for a millisecond after disappearing
Fixed: Players with Heavy weapons skill level 4 or higher couldn't use secondary weapon after a map change (Thanks >>H2O|.sCar* for reporting)
Fixed: Several problems with bans database and "in-memory" bans.
Modified: Popup messages will start fading after 1500 milliseconds instead of instantly
Modified: !finger command code has been optimized
Modified: G_Trace() and G_HistoricalTrace() functions are now adapted to the new hitboxes system (if enabled)
Reworked: The ban check function has been partially rewritten and optimized
Removed: g_knifeonly cvar (replaced by g_war option 4)

Sa s'ajoute au dernier change log, il devrais y avoir une nouvelle version du mod tres bientot.

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 14 avr. 2012, 20:03
par #LsD *LooseD*
plutot cool les nouvelles hitbox!!! :D
encore du bon boulot ;)

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 15 avr. 2012, 08:17
par LsD Daerthy
ohh le medic TRON :)

Re: Nitmod 2.2

Publié : 15 avr. 2012, 10:54
par goku
mmm bien sur le papier mais on a déjà vu que c'était pas simple à implémenter correctement. le jaymod s'y est essayé aussi.

faut pas oublier la règle première: "le gameplay est roi!".

techniquement c'est bien mais il faut voir ce que ça donne en pratique.
déjà j'aimerais bien avoir la meme acc. en nitmod que sur etpro.:)